Intro to Blog

I’m new to blogging, but I want to share perspectives that might help some people in this world. I’m a middle-aged, heterosexual man — never married, decent looking, with a good job. I’ve dated a few good women over my life, all of whom I probably could have happily married. However, I have now stopped dating for more than a decade, choosing a life path different from most people. In some ways, I prefer “fantasy over reality”, and I’m not sure I need more.

I’m hoping to discuss topics that might help others like myself gain perspective and self-acceptance. Acceptance from others is likely more difficult, but that can change over time. There was a time when being gay was taboo, but today being gay is almost cool. I hope someday those of us who prefer fantasy forms of sex can gain similar acceptance.

Some topics that I want to discuss and receive comments on:

  • How lap dances can be better than sex.
  • Favorite genres of erotica – exhibitionism, voyeurism, JAV, and hentai.
  • Scientific viewpoints on people who prefer fantasy/pixels over reality/people.
  • Maintaining balance in life with possibility of new experiences.