Should I Quit Porn and Try Reality for a Change?

A lot of thoughts are going through my mind today. I felt connection with an attractive girl, with which I previously avoided possible relationship. Perhaps I over think relationships, should give things a try, and see where things go. Also, I was researching for this blog and again found uniformly negative views on fantasy forms of sex, especially in regards to porn and masturbation. In my opinion, there should be more acceptance, but perhaps I should reflect on the other side of the case. NoFap is an interesting resource for people to quit porn addiction, with which I might be afflicted. 

I do think it’s important to consider other perspectives. My life could have gone down many different paths. Change over a lifetime can come naturally or be forced or decided upon. And, decisions for change could be for trial periods, without commitment to continue. For instance, I could abstain from fantasy forms of sex for a week or month and see how I feel. Or, I can alternate between periods of engagement and abstinence, to compare and contrast the experiences. New thoughts…